Here is a better link for the Northern Japan Earthqauke Relief Fund!
So yes, I haven't updated on anything in the last two months so I will make it as short and sweet as possible.
School: Decided to take a weird semester that my school made for the Japan returnees. This means I have close to no summer. But on the upside this is the first time I have been in San Francisco for the summer months.
Extra: I have been volunteering at the Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Fund twice every week (full working days!) Being able to help Japan and the people affected has been great, especially because I felt so completely helpless when I had to leave Japan.
A month ago they calculate that they had raised over $2.6 million dollars. 100% of it went directly to the region most affected.
Link 2:
Unfortunately it seems like they haven't updated their website recently
Travel Pictures: Originally I was only 2 months behind in showing all my I am close to 5 months behind. I haven't looked through most of my Japan pictures since I came back. I might soon though (maybe in a week)
Life: Life is good =) Having adventures in the city and meeting great people.
Much love